Our UV Products
Opti-Air UV air filtration systems are an economical way to improve your overall air quality with standalone units that are separate from your HVAC system. This combined with our hassle-free service and maintenance agreements allows for low equipment and operational costs.

UVF-1100 Filtration Unit
Small, powerful, and versatile, this unit is perfect for school classrooms, offices, basements, and any area needing pollutant free air 24/7.

UVF-2500 Filtration Unit
Similar in design to the UVF-1100 but larger, this unit can be placed in centralized locations like hallways or lecture halls in larger facilities.

UVF-1000 Air Purification/Sterilizing Unit
This series is meant for spaces with low air flow convection such as cold storage areas but is adaptable enough to be used almost anywhere.

UVF-S-1500 Filtration Unit
Designed specifically for use in FDA processing facilities, this series is highly customizable to space, size, and facility needs and requirements.